12/16: heeeeeeeeyyyyy

*blows the dust off this thing* Whoopsie-doodle. Accidental-sorta-intentional six month blogging hiatus while I got settled into my Life After AmeriCorps. Let’s take a quick tour of what has happened since my last post: JULY – We graduated Class XIX of AmeriCorps NCCC Pacific Region with only a few last minute speed bumps. Part of […]

11/4: beating like a drum and it’s coming your way

My brain feels like scrambled eggs a lot of the time here. If I don’t write something down, there’s a 99% chance I’ll completely forget about it. Consequently, I keep having great ideas about what to write about on this blog and am unable to follow through because I can’t remember what I thought was […]

10/26: a drip on the head got it wet in the heart

I’m not really a crier. I mostly cried out of frustration when I was younger (striking out AGAIN, and AGAIN). And sure, I do that horribly attractive convulsive sobbing thing every time Captain Miller empties his entire handgun at the German tank wheeling over the bridge just as the air strike hits, and every time […]